Tag Archives: paramax

Making The Connection

Putting together a home theater is in many ways a bit like playing with Lego bricks. You start with some bits and pieces, and can add them together, and add to them, in such a way as to make something else. For many people, this is something that constitutes a hobby. Getting the best from your home entertainment system is a subjective matter – what you want from your home theater may be different from what other people would want, so it’s not just about the “best […]

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Do Old Movies Look Right On New Technology?

Spending a lot of money on installing a home theater is a way of experiencing new films in the way the director intended them to be enjoyed, but not everybody likes new movies. For the classicist, is there a danger that investing in new technology will take some of the spirit of the older movies they like? Certainly there has been some debate over the remastering of older movies for broadcast on newer technology, and whether this strips away the authenticity of the show – but is […]

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Does A Home Theater Take The Soul Out Of Entertainment?

Most of us will be young enough to have got much of our youthful enjoyment from watching movies, and old enough to have spent much of that time watching them on video. This has brought about a special kind of nostalgia which yearns for the old movie nights which involved playing a few VHS cassettes of the latest releases and huddling around a TV screen about the size of, or little bigger than, a microwave oven. One of the most common complaints about newer technology is that […]

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Building Your Home Theater

Setting up a viable movie complex in your own home is something that may not be within the reach of the average consumer – and something which, to be done properly, may well demand a level of technical knowledge that most people do not have – but it is increasingly an option in the present day. How we go about this is up to us – and the range of options available means that it is something that can be done in a whole plethora of different […]

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